New digital platform to manage outpatient appointments piloted in one of the region’s largest NHS trusts

Health Innovation East secure pilot of DrDoctor to help local trust efficiently manage outpatient appointments demand amidst COVID-19.

Published: 09th December 2020

The tool will be piloted to manage gynaecology and dermatology appointments at Hinchingbrooke and Peterborough hospitals

DrDoctor allows patients to confirm or change their appointments online and for clinics to fill last minute cancellations by automatically notifying patients when slots become available. Patients can also opt to receive clinical information, letters and resources digitally, reducing the need for printed and posted documents.

In response to the coronavirus challenge, the team behind DrDoctor expanded its services to help manage patients remotely including the launch of new video consultation software to enable remote consultations during the pandemic.

DrDoctor were introduced to decision-makers at North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust, which comprises Hinchingbrooke Hospital, Peterborough City Hospital, and Stamford and Rutland Hospitals, at Health Innovation East’s digital outpatients innovation exchange in March 2020, which paired promising innovations with local services looking to deliver outpatient services differently.

The trust was impressed by the conversations they had and expressed an interest in piloting the innovation in their gynaecology and dermatology outpatient services.

Amidst concerns that NHS outpatient services may have longer waiting lists as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Health Innovation East is part-funding the pilot and evaluation of DrDoctor’s patient portal at the trust to determine whether it can help manage appointments more efficiency and improve patient experience before being rolled out to other specialties within the trust.

Katrina Wilson, Principal Advisor at Health Innovation East, said:

“We know that digital technologies are a key enabler to delivering the NHS Long Term Plan. Tools like DrDoctor have the potential to completely change how digital outpatient services are managed and we are delighted to have brokered a deal between a provider with a challenge and an innovator with a solution.”

DrDoctor co-Founder and CEO Tom Whicher, said:

“North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust’s adoption of DrDoctor’s patient portal software has afforded patients more control, improved their access to information, and will lead to fewer missed appointments and more timely care. We look forward to continuing to work with technicians and clinicians at North West Anglia to further improve the service and help get those who need care most back into hospitals first.”

Sarah Robinson
Get in touch

To find out more about using DrDoctor across the East of England, contact

Other links

Read more on the North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust website here.

Find out more about DrDoctor at

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