Backing economic growth by leveraging over £1 billion funding

New survey results show how the Health Innovation Network has supported over £1 billion inward investment to the economy.

Published: 07th July 2021

2,800+ businesses supported, 1400+ jobs created and safeguarded, and £462m of investment later…

  • The Health Innovation Network has supported companies to leverage £462 million of investment, this compares to £322 million in the previous financial year.
  • Companies supported by the Health Innovation Networks have created or protected 1,400+ jobs in total during 2020/21.

Survey results published this week show that the Health Innovation Network has leveraged over £1 billion inward investment for our nation during the past three years, including £462m in 2020/2021 alone.

The annual economic growth impact survey is circulated to companies supported by the Health Innovation Network in the last year to understand the economic impact of our work, including job created or protected, investment secured or exports.

During a challenging year, the Health Innovation Network has helped businesses step up to support the NHS, bringing innovative solutions forward to help in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

The Health Innovation Network is nationally commissioned by the Office for Life Sciences (OLS) to support economic growth in the UK health and life sciences sector. We achieve this through connecting innovators with the healthcare system to improve patient care and create wealth for our economy. After a year when healthcare services saw a period of unprecedented rapid change, Health Innovation East are delighted to highlight the positive impact the network has achieved nationally.

During 2020/21, the Health Innovation Network has provided support to:

  • 2,888 companies, with
  • 4,825 recorded interactions, and
  • 124 companies have created long term strategic partnerships.

This has led to:

  • 700 jobs created,
  • 763 jobs safeguarded
  • £462M investment leveraged (up from £322M in the previous year)

Health Innovation East works at the intersection of academia, technology, engineering, business, the health system and citizen engagement. We convene people to develop and deliver breakthrough products, processes and technologies. We can introduce innovators to a network of investment organisations and angels in our community who specialise in supporting health and tech innovations.

Learn more about how we support innovators…

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