Understanding our paid-for specialist advisory and mentoring service

We offer innovators additional paid-for advisory services alongside to our normal free of charge services. Find out more in this information pack.

We have reached a stage in our development when we are able to offer innovators additional paid-for advisory services alongside our normal free of charge services including free to download toolkits and funding for local pilots and health economic evaluations.

This is to maximise the practical advice and hands on support we can offer innovators at different stages of the product development pathway.

Our consultancy services include:

  • Business support services for SMEs and innovators
  • Clinical support and commissioning services
  • Digital and data science support
  • Marketing, PPI and stakeholder engagement and communications

This deck summarises what we can now offer innovators alongside an introduction to some of our talented team of diverse and experienced consultants, drawn from commercial, clinical, healthcare delivery and marketing and communications backgrounds.

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