Directory of UK adult community eating disorder services

A comprehensive list of all community eating disorder services across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, including information on what geographical areas they serve and contact information for making further inquiries to make a referral.

Access the directory of UK adult community eating disorder services

This electronic document provides a comprehensive list of all community eating disorder services across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, including information on what geographical areas they serve and contact information for making further inquiries to make a referral. All UK university and colleges are listed under their local community eating disorder service. The hope is that having this information freely available will help professionals to make referrals and liaise with other community eating disorder services.

Read more in our blog…

Hope Schlesinger, Trainee Clinical Psychologist on placement at Health Innovation East directory UK community eating disorder services
Mapping eating disorder services across the UK

Hope Schlesinger, Trainee Clinical Psychologist on placement at Health Innovation East, explains why we have created a directory of all UK community eating disorder services.

Read the blog…

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