
Frailty+LD is a tool that is being piloted in the East of England to identify frailty risk sooner among people living with learning disabilities.

Helping identify frailty risks earlier in people with learning disabilities

Frailty+LD is a clinical decision support tool that sets out to identify frailty risk sooner across health and social care settings.

The tool has been created and developed in line with LeDeR and NICE recommendations for individualised assessment of frailty, with consideration of multimorbidity and underlying health conditions. The tool is based on the Rockwood Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) but further developed with the consideration of comorbidity and health conditions as the CFS is not recommended for people living with learning disabilities1.

“People with learning disabilities have a similar risk of falls throughout their lives as older people in the general population. Around one-third of falls by people with learning disabilities result in injury and the rate of fractures is higher than in the rest of the population. This may be due to increased risk of osteoporosis” – Public Health England, ‘Preventing falls in people with learning disabilities: making reasonable adjustments‘, 2019

Health Innovation East supported a pilot with Hertfordshire County Council and Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust to validate Frailty+LD. We provided funding for an independent evaluation of the tool led by the University of Hertfordshire, with the aim of improving the health and wellbeing of people living with learning disabilities.



Jess Garner, Senior Advisor at Health Innovation East
Get in touch

If you are interested to learn more about the Frailty+LD pilot, contact Jessica Garner at

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